Megan Rapinoe enters CBD industry

Megan Rapinoe is one of the best soccer players in the United States and now she has become more popular by entering CBD industry with help and advice from her twin sister which is actually the CEO of Mendi. Mendi is a company that sells CBD products and is now targeting athletes so they can treat ther pain and recovery injuries by using this type product. Megan Rapinoe has been very supportive towards this products and agrees completely that CBD products have a high impact when treating pain making recovery easier and less painful.
CBD is becoming more and more popular in all the United States, even in some states recreational marihuana is already legal and more accepted by people. CBD must not be confused with marihuana, CBD is a chemical compound found in marihuana.
Megan Rapinoe has partnered with Mendi to promote CBD products as a natural way to treat pain and even though she knows that this will bring controversy because of this type of product she is promoting and has been using during her career. Megan Rapinoe is always making bold moves and she’s definitely known for being brave to talk about controversial issues like feminism and LGBTQ rights. Megan Rapinoe is not afraid of what people might say or think about her, she always tries to speak for herself and for others.
Rachel Rapinoe is Megan’s twin sister who is actually the CEO of Mendi has convinced Megan Rapinoe to become a partner which she actually accepted and is now promoting CBD as a natural option to treat pain and injury recovery targeting athletes like herself. Megan Rapinoe has also invites other athletes to join and promote CBD products and there’s rumors that more athletes will be part of this company.