Arthritis and CBD

CBD can be used for various purposes and now the Arthritis Group is releasing guideline for people who use the CBD to help with their joint pain and how to use this product correctly.
CBD and Pain
CBD has become popular to help those that are in pain. There are some guidelines that the Arthritis Foundation released for people with arthritis that want to use CBD for pain. They want to help people find the correct usage and dose to treat their pain. The group has acknowledged that people want to try CBD and want to make sure they use it correctly and within the guidelines. Even when using CBD products the foundation states that a person should not stop using their prescribed medication.
CBD and Health
The Farm Bill was passed by Congress in 2018 and allowed CBD to be used. CBD does not contain THC which will give a person the feeling of being high. Since this time people have begun using CBD for different purposes including pain relief. According to the Arthritis Foundation, 2,600 people were asked about CBD use for pain. Around 80 percent of these patients were open to it.
For people that are willing to try CBD, they should start with a lower dose and watch their symptoms over time. Patients should work with a trusted supplier. They recommend using CBD oil the form of a liquid or spray so it can go into the bloodstream. It is not recommended vaping CBD. This is not enough information to show if it is safe. A person should speak to their doctor before using CBD as it may interact with some prescription medications.
When a person is in pain the CBD may be able to help them. A person with arthrosis should speak to their doctor if they are interested in using CBD to make sure it is safe and can help them.

Laura Peters

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